
Friday, March 23, 2012

Stories and Art

The Brute
"MAY!! Where are you MAY!!" I yelled as I ran down the hall to see if she maybe she went to the bridge.
"MAN!! I wish I knew where the heck I'm at right now because this doesn't look like the way to the bridge" I said in frustration just then I heard what sounded like a creature of some sorts roaring followed by a women's scream. As worried as I was about May what I thought was her screaming actually was someone else "HEY UGLY!! let’s rumble" I said in a very aggressive manner and when it came out of the shadows and I saw it "oh crap" I thought then I noticed the blood on its body that was when I thought that it had killed her so I charged at it with my Guyver unit's high-frequency swords and was about to cut it right in half but just as I swung up it grabbed my arm with one of its claws and then grabbed my leg with the other and then threw me across the room and right into the wall and it repeated this for what felt like hours but when it threw me onto the floor and then into another wall and it started toward me and at that point " got to get up you just have too...Mike please get up..MIKE!!!" May's voice echoed in my head then I had caught its two massive claws and just when I did I then learned about my Guyver unit's sonic buster cannon that are fired from the two small metallic orbs where my mouth would be at "MMMMAAAAYYY!!!" I yelled and that was also when I fired the sonic buster cannon at it. Completely destroying the giant necromorph "That one...was May" I said in between breaths. I then continued on to the bridge hoping that May was still alive whenever I got there.

To be continued in chapter 3: The Hive Mind
Author: Mike Manning

By Mike Manning

Awakening of the U.S. Guyver 1

The story begins with a video message from the U.S.G. Ishimura and the disc was brought back to Capsule Corp. by Trunks. "Mom where's Mike and my dad" he said. "I think your father is supervising Mike's training with his Guyver Unit in the Gravity chamber," she answered. So, when Trunks had seen me walking out of the chamber "HEY MIKE!" he said in a very serious and loud manner "Trunks what's up?" I said vey confusingly. "This message is addressed to you" he answered. "Oh! It's probably Mai she did say that she'd send me a letter or something" I said with excitement. I didn't expect to hear her say "Mike I know this isn't how you wanted to hear from me but I didn't know who else to trust" she said as I paused the video "WHY MAI WHY!" I yelled as I slam my hands on the table in both anger and sadness. "Um, Mike are you alright?" Bulla asked in a sweet yet worried manner. "Huh yeah I'm fine just upset right know and I have something to say to everyone you all have been great and I thank you for helping me with my training and giving food, water, and shelter but I need to go on to Mai and check on her and see if everything is alright oh and Bulla thank you for treating all of my wounds and everything I really appreciated it" I said as I got into the GNR-010 0 Raiser space fighter jet and as I was starting up the systems everyone was saying good luck and everything else. "Ishimura this Mike Manning in the 0 Raiser requesting permission to land. Ishimura come in is anyone there?" So as soon as I landed on board the planet cracker U.S.G Ishimura I went to Mai's living quarters and found that she wasn't there I then noticed that there was another video message had been recorded and addressed to me so when I played it and heard and seen "Mike it's me I wish I could talk to you, I'm sorry about everything I wish I could just talk with someone huh it's all falling apart here I can't believe what's happening we need more help we don't have the resources to deal with this many cases, nobody would tell us what's happening...Mike where are you huh help me " she said in a very scared and serious manner. So I went looking for her and as I was walking by the A-deck mess hall I heard what sounded like a women screaming "MAI!" I thought to myself. Once I forced the door open with a 4ft. crowbar and as soon as I got it opened what I thought was a human was a necromorph and as it was trying to kill me with its blade like bone sticking out of its hands swinging them left and right, as I was running away from it I hit my head on a metal pipe and as soon as I set up and turned around to see the slasher about to kill me that's when I decided to fight to live "EVOLVE!!!" I yelled and at the same time called for the armor and it appeared behind me from a different dimension via a wormhole and as soon as the unit combined with me and after the ring of light on control metal finished glowing and the unit got rid of the excess heat, the unit activated and I grabbed it's blade like bone just as it swung down to stab me "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME UGLY!!!" I said in anger as I threw it to the ground. I then learned about the high-frequency swords which had extended from my unit's elbows and I took the swords and sliced that alien like zombie in half "NOW THAT! Was scary I better hurry up and find Mai get off of this ship" I said in a very serious manner. I continued to search for Mai throughout the rest of the ship and every time I had opened a door or walked and/or ran down a corridor there were necromorphs either attacking me or kill people who had survived till then "Mai where are you, you better alright please be alright MAI!!!!"

To be continued in chapter 2: The Brute

All characters are property of all of their respective owners

Author: Mike Manning

The Hive Mind
I finally had made it to the bridge but when I had forced the two elevator doors opened and while I was walking around the bridge "May...May are you in here...May?" I asked but I got no answer so I decided to sit down in one of the chairs. "May where could you be I have searched through this ship for you but I can't find you where else have I not checked the hangar of course if she saw me land then that is where she would go" I thought to myself and so I ran back towards the hangar when I came to an opening that lead outside so I walked out there and that's when I came face to face with the mother of all necromorphs and the one who also controlled the other necromorphs the hive mind and when it roared at me "so you're the reason that the girl I loved is no longer living!!!" I yelled in an extremely aggressive manner that's when I took both of my Guyver unit's mega smashers and as the mega smashers began to charge up I had a flashback about a promise I made "Mike promise me that no matter what you keep on fighting ok?" May asked me "May I promise that no matter what happens I'll keep on fighting just for you" I answered her and when the flashback was over that's when I realized that the Hive Mind had wrapped it's tentacle like limbs around my arms, so that it could eat me but then my control metal began to glow as well as both of my mega smashers "Come on smasher OPEN!!!" I thought, that's when the chest armor had opened by itself and I fired my mega smasher and completely destroyed it before it had a chance to eat me and as I got back into the 0 Raiser and started to leave the ship behind me I looked at the red hair ribbon that was in my right hand "May I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to get to you in time" I said as I was crying. "Welcome back Mike so where's May" Tonko asked me in a calm and sweet manner "May is...I was too late to save her but I did destroy all of the monsters on the ship just before I left it" I answered her with tears in my eyes. It's been one year since May's death and I take flowers to the place that her and I loved to go and sit underneath the tree in the shade and just relax. I go there along with Tonko and put roses on May's grave.
All characters are property of all of their respective owners.

Author: Mike Manning

U.S.A. Guyver 1 versus the Ubermorph

“LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF A…,” Tonko was about to finish her sentence when “TONKO! YOU OK” I yelled in a very serious and concerned manner “I am now so please get this guy off of me!” she said while trying to get away from one of the three (overseers) that were at the sprawl “You heard my fiancĂ©e you white coat wearing son a bitch or else” I warned “Or else what?” he asked “Or else THIS!” I said then the two metallic orbs on my Guyver unit’s face-plate where my mouth would be at started to hum “TONKO GET DOWN AND COVER YOUR EARS NOW!” I said in an ordering manner “Right Mike” She answered as she stomped on the guy’s foot and dove under the hospital bed and covered her ears just as I fired my Guyver unit’s sonic buster cannon and broke the extremely thick glass ceiling/floor and as I was falling down toward him I took my Guyver unit’s high-frequency elbow blades and I had cut the guy right in half “Ok Tonko let’s go Gabe and Lexine should be waiting for us at the shuttle ok” I asked as I helped Tonko to her feet “Yeah let’s go” she answered “Ok then let’s do it” I said as Tonko got on my back “Ok Mike so if I had to guess you’re going to run all the way there huh?” Tonko ask as she got on my back “Alright Tonko cross your legs around my waist and hang on tight” I said as I looked at Tonko “Ok then” she answered then the two of us went on after Lexine and Gabe Weller, “As soon as we find Gabe and Lexine and once we find a shuttle the only one staying is me” I thought to myself later on at the shuttle “MIKE COME ON WE GOT TO GO NOW!” Gabe yelled as the shuttles engines started to fire up “Sorry everyone but I got to stay behind to make sure the door doesn’t shut before we can get out,” I said with the worried look on my face being hidden by my Guyver unit “MIKE MANNING YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS ON THIS SHUTTLE NOW BECAUSE I’M NOT GOING TO TELL OUR CHILD THAT HIS OR HER FATHER DIED DURING ANOTHER NECROMORPH OUT-BREAK OK!” Tonko yelled as she had one hand on her stomach and started crying “Tonko your….your pregnant why didn’t you tell me sooner,” I asked “Well I wanted to...MIKE HONEY WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!” Tonko said as soon as I turned around “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yelled as I caught the giant necromorph’s bone-like blades with my Guyver unit’s hands “GABE SHOOT IT’S LIMBS NOW!” I yelled as soon as Gabe had done so it had regenerated its limbs back and started charging at the shuttle “HEY UBERMORPH STAY AWAY FROM MY TWO FRIENDS GABE AND LEXINE AND DEFAINTLY STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY FIANCEE TONKO!” I yelled in a very serious and aggressive manner then the Ubermorph continued to charge at the shuttle and almost rammed it but I managed to get in front of it with my Guyver unit “I thought I said to leave them alone” I said as I punched the necromorph away and then I pushed the button to close the shuttle doors “Mike what are you doing” Tonko asked in a worried manner with tears running down her face “Tonko I’m the only one who can destroy this thing and besides I’m going to take it to the last (overseer) and then I’ll be right back ok” I said as I got the Ubermorph to follow me “YOU! I should’ve known that you were behind all this in the first place” the overseer said “Honestly I can say that I didn’t start this out-break you did so the blood is on your damn hands not mine” I said as I jumped over the Ubermorph and ran back to the shuttle “Alright lets go now!” I said in a serious manner and as we were flying away from Titans station that’s when I realized that Gabe wasn’t on the shuttle “Where’s Gabe at Lexine” I asked after I deactivated my Guyver unit “Gabe stayed to open the doors for us after you got on” she answered with tears in her eyes “Gabe no dammit why did he do that for dammit!” I yelled as I slammed my hands in on the metal door of the storage compartment of it then my hands started to bleed “It’s not your fault Mike you didn’t know” Tonko said as she wrapped a bandaged around my hand “That may be true but I can promise you this Tonko, that Earth Gov. is going to pay for everything that’s happened and that’s a promise.
All characters, Necromophs, Guyver units, and locations are property of their Respective owners; also the Tonko Hiiragi in my story is 20 years old.

Author: Mike Manning

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